Be the Change: Diversity, Inclusion and Reflective Practice

Monday, June 19, 2023 Diocese of Chelmsford 53 New Street Chelmsford CM1 1AT

W e are running two seminars during the day, to give you the opportunity to explore Racial Diversity as well as Reflective Practice and how they impact your ministry with children, young people and families. You can choose to just attend one seminar or both.

10-12: Seminar 1

12-1 LUNCH

1.00-3.00: Seminar 2

3 .30-5.30: Seminar 1 (Repeat)


S eminar 1: Reflective Practice

T his seminar will give you insights on what reflective practice is, the impact it can have on your work and ways in which you can incorporate it more into your routines.

S eminar 2: Racial Diversity & Inclusion

T his seminar will be led by Shaz Quilter, the diocesan Racial Justice Officer. It will give us opportunity to explore issues of racial diversity and challenge you to develop ways of working which create a space in which those you serve feel truly included.


M ake sure to book a space for lunch! Free of charge.