Bringing the National Inclusion Week Daily Actions to Life

Monday, August 15, 2022

Webinar overview

Every day of National Inclusion Week has a dedicated Daily Action that takes inspiration from the theme – Time to Act: The Power of Now.

This webinar will provide guidance on how to bring these Daily Actions to life and to maximise engagement with your inclusion celebrations and achievements.

The Daily Actions are provided in the NIW Toolkit available to those who have purchased the Supporter option – if you would like to register for National Inclusion Week, please click here.

Who is this for?

  • Members of staff networks
  • Inclusion allies and champions
  • Marketing and comms professionals
  • I&D and HR professionals.
  • Everyone with an interest and passion for inclusion – this is the perfect place to start if you’re at the beginning of your inclusion journey.

Book Your Place

  • You may notice that our events booking process looks a little different! If you are unsure about how to book onto a webinar, click here for an instructional video.
  • For members: Inclusive Employers Members can join online or dial in to all webinars, including National Inclusion Week, accessing up to five places per member, per webinar, for free – please ensure you are logged in to your Inclusive Employers account to see the free ticket option. Members can also purchase extra places, on top of the five free already allocated, at a discounted price of £79 + VAT.
  • For National Inclusion Week Supporters: NIW Supporters can access one place for free on this webinar – see here for how to become a Supporter of NIW. Additional places can be purchased for £89+VAT.  (Members are automatically NIW Supporters and have their normal five free tickets and paid options.)
  • For National Inclusion Week Registrants: Places can be booked onto this webinar for £89 + VAT per place, or you can upgrade to become a NIW Supporter here and gain access to one free place.
  • For non-members: Places can be booked onto this webinar for £89 + VAT per place.
  • If you have any questions about this event or have any accessibility requirements, contact