Connecting with Frontline Colleagues

Thursday, August 10, 2023 Webinar

It can be difficult to achieve team buy in and engagement with diversity and inclusion when teams are working in challenging frontline contexts, environments, varying shifts and short on time. This webinar aims to provide you with some tools and insight into reaching all colleagues across your organisation and implementing best practice to achieve this.

This webinar is hosted by Ruth-Anne Eghan, I&D expert from Inclusive Employers.

Ruth-Anne Eghan is an Inclusion and Diversity Consultant at Inclusive Employers. Ruth-Anne’s background began in law, specialising in employment law, law with new technologies, family law, and EU law. Find out more about Ruth-Anne.

What will you learn

  • Why is it difficult to reach frontline colleagues?
  • Why is it so important for frontline colleagues to be part of the D&I conversation?
  • How do we bring frontline colleagues into the conversation and ensure they feel included?
  • What does best practice look like?

Who is this for?

  • Level – Advanced
  • Line managers
  • Senior Management Team
  • HR
  • I&D specialists

Book Your Place

  • If you are an Inclusive Employers Member please log in to access your five free places.
  • In-house training is available for this and many other inclusion topics. Get in touch and we’d be happy to discuss your requirements.
  • If you have any questions about this event or have any accessibility requirements, contact
  • Please note: we do not typically supply recordings or slides for our webinars.