Diversity in Engineering

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 Glasgow Caledonian Union Bar

IMECHE Glasgow young members panel is hosting a Diversity in Engineering Event to promote and support diverse professionals around Glasgow.

As the Institution of Mechanical Engineering (IMechE) Glasgow Young Members Panel, we aim to support and inspire engineering students and graduates across Glasgow by holding a variety of events and workshops which promote the IMechE values and provide attendees with skills and knowledge useful in their careers. Events we have held in the past include, networking events, mock interviews, panel discussions with industry panels and social events.

IMECHE Glasgow young members panel are hosting a Diversity in Engineering Event. Our panel of young people believe diversity is important and with this event aims to encourage learning from each others experience and celebrate those typically unrepresented within engineering.

The event will be held 1st March 2023 at Re:Union Bar and Grill from 18:00-21:30.

This event will have a mix of speakers from Higher Education, Industry and Non-Profit organisations, to speak about their experience and work in this area.

The key aims of the event are that

attendees understand others experience, we celebrate the success of diversity and the good work which organisations are doing and also to increase awareness of the subject areas and highlight where support for students and young professionals is avaible.

The event us open to all interested in this subject and is particularly aimed at students and young professionals in any engineering discipline.