Domestic Abuse: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Thursday, November 23, 2023
The World Health Organisation estimates 25% of women aged 15-49 years old who have been in a relationship, have suffered physical violence from their partner.
This domestic abuse can result in mental and physical health consequences for women, and can even sometimes be fatal. It can also affect the wellbeing of those around, such as children and other family members. Domestic abuse can describe physical and non physical events, such as coercion, manipulation, gaslighting, threating, controlling, and many other behaviours. Also, domestic abuse does not apply only to partners; perpetrators of domestic abuse can be any other family member or close relationship. The Crime Survey for England and Wales estimated in 2020 that 2/3 of people experiencing domestic abuse were women.
November 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and in this webinar we will address how domestic abuse doesn’t remain at home, and as employers, we have a responsibility to support our colleagues who are experiencing domestic abuse. Their experience can also impact the workplace, performance, absence, job security and other individuals in the organisation.
This webinar is hosted by Amy Gibbons, I&D expert from Inclusive Employers.
Amy has 6 years experience working in inclusion and has lead on big projects such as the design and implementation of I&D Strategy at a large homelessness charity. Her experience also includes overseeing large teams as Head of Operations, where she managed significant change projects, working as a Head of Quality and Performance, and working therapeutically with a diverse range of people in prisons, hostels and addiction services. Find out more about Amy.
What will you learn
- What is domestic abuse against women?
- How does this impact on the workplace and individuals?
- How to recognise signs of someone experiencing domestic abuse
- Supporting a colleague experiencing domestic abuse
- As employers, what are our responsibilities? – Addressing domestic abuse, obtaining support and creating policies
Who is this for?
- Level – Beginner / Intermediate
- Senior Management Team, HR, Line Managers, Whole Staff Team
Related Awareness Event
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – 25th November 2023
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- Please note: we do not typically supply recordings or slides for our webinars.