Featuring a mix of keynote talks and a panel discussion, the schedule is as follows:
9:00am - 9:45am Guest arrival and registration, with networking
9:45am – 9:50am Welcome by Dr. Jummy Okoya, Dean of OIE at UEL
9:50am - 10:00am Opening remarks by Amanda Broderick, Vice Chancellor & President, UEL
10:00am-10:40am Keynote speech on "Centring EDI as a key business driver for Organisations" by Leroy Logan MBE
10:45am-11:45am Panel discussion on "Conscious Inclusion: Disrupting the Status Quo. Is EDI Baked in or Sprinkled?" featuring Leroy Logan, Anne Foster (Director of D&I, House of Commons), Professor Buge Apampa (Vice Chancellor, Education & Experience), and Diana Beech (Chief Executive Officer of London Higher)
11:50am-12:00am Break
12:05 –12:45pm Keynote speech and Q&A: “Bringing my whole self to work" by Mark McClane (Global EDI Director, MandG)
12:50pm –1:45pm Lunch and Networking
1:50pm – 2:00pm Energising exercise
2:00pm - 3:00pm Choice of breakout sessions:
- Break out room 1: Showcasing Inclusive Practices at UEL
- Break out room 2: Leveraging EDI in Promoting Success in Organisations
- Break out room 3: Accelerating gender equity
3:05pm - 3:30pm Reflection on the day
3:30pm Vote of thanks & Conference closes