Pride Workshops

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 University of York P/L/005, Physics Exhibition Centre Heslington YO10 5DD

As part of work being undertaken by the Rainbow Alliance here at York we recently ran a Listening Exercise to listen to staff and students to talk about the things that are important to them and the areas where the University can focus work over the next few years to improve inclusivity and support for the LGBT+ community.


Work has been done to analyse the information gathered as part of the exercise and two priority themes (among others) have been identified: Peer support and Equity. As part of the celebrations for PRIDE month, alongside the Flag Raising event on 6th June (12:45), the Rainbow Alliance, Equality Office and EDI exchange are running a workshop to explore these areas in more detail and start planning for actions that can be undertaken - and this is where you come in!


We are inviting anyone who is interested and passionate about equality and particularly experiences as LGBT+ students and staff to come along and be part of the conversation. We want to do things in a way that works for everyone and represents wider views of how the University, the Rainbow Alliance and the EDI exchange can work together to make things better.


There will be information shared about the feedback gathered from the Listening Exercise, work already happening in different areas and work planned. Workshop discussions will look at the two priority themes (Peer support & Equity) and come up with ideas and plans for how to move things forward - if you are interested in taking part, shaping these ideas, and maybe even being involved in work to put these ideas into action, sign up and come along on the day. Tuesday 6th June 09:30 - 11:45 in P/L/005 (Physics Exhibition Centre).