JTL announces the winners of its Employer Recognition Awards
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
JTL, one of the leading apprenticeship providers in the building services engineering sector in England and Wales, has announced the winners of its 2023 Employer Recognition Awards.
The awards process, which takes place annually, recognises employers who have shown remarkable levels of support and commitment toward their JTL apprentices.
With five award winners this year, it has taken a considerable level of consistency and merit for each winner to stand out amongst JTL’s considerably large base of over 3,800 employers.
The winning employers are as follows:
Northern – Geoffrey Robinson Ltd
Southern – CDS Electrical Ltd
Eastern – N.R.C Services Ltd
Western – R S Response Ltd
National – EMCOR UK
Judi Wheeler, National Delivery Director at JTL, said: “Within the apprenticeship process, employers play an invaluable role. Without the right workplace for an apprentice to properly learn, grown and develop, the purpose of an apprenticeship can be all but lost.
“And so, to recognise the significance of an employer’s role in the process, and to commend those who go above and beyond their duties, we run our annual Employer Recognition Awards. We’re pleased to celebrate the success of our employers around the country, and we’re incredibly proud to work with this year’s winners.”
To find out more about JTL, please visit: https://jtltraining.com/