Advice and Opinion - June 2020
Posted on Friday, June 19, 2020 by Dr Victor Olisa — No comments
Policing by consent is the foundation on which a ‘service’ style of policing dominates over an ‘enforcement’ style. In the United Kingdom, the institution of policing is praised around the world for its service style of policing. Yet evolving changes in the language and style of policing in the UK are shifting that style towards more ‘enforcement’ than ‘service’ for Black people. Under the ...
Posted on Friday, June 19, 2020 by Binna Kandola — No comments
Take a good look at your practices and attitudes instead of just putting out a statement, says Binna Kandola I waited a little anxiously on the stage as the chair of the conference stood at the podium welcoming everyone. I was next up and going through my talk in my head I was only partially concentrating on her remarks. And then she got my attention: “We need to move beyond race,” she said. “We ...
Posted on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 by Carol Stewart is an Executive, Career and Business Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator — No comments
You don’t look like an introvert were words once said to me when I told someone I was introverted whilst networking, and I thought to myself what on earth is an introvert supposed to look like. There are many misconceptions about introversion that have shaped the way many people view introverts and how they treat them in the workplace. This conversation highlighted this. Because I was being ...
Posted on Saturday, June 6, 2020 by Shakil Butt is founder of HR Hero for Hire — No comments
People professionals are in a unique position to counter racial discrimination in organisations, but they need to grasp the opportunity, argues Shakil Butt The events of last week, when George Floyd, a black man from Minneapolis, died after a white police officer knelt on his neck while restraining him, were very disturbing. As we all know, this was not isolated but a continuation of micro and ...
Posted on Thursday, June 4, 2020 by Rebecca Hilsenrath (Chief Executive) — No comments
For 50 years women have had the legal right to be paid the same as a man for doing similar work. And yet we still don’t have equal pay in this country This hard-won legal right hasn’t translated into a moral imperative that is recognised by our society as being fair and just. This is somewhat surprising considering the concept of fairness remains a central pillar of British identity. Getting ...
Posted on Thursday, June 4, 2020 by Rhammel O’Dwyer-Afflick — No comments
As we watch news coverage of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, many of us have been stopped in our tracks. Devastated by the crippling pain of racist injustice. It was difficult to coin these words because it feels personal. It hurts knowing that despite decades of protesting and speaking out we still have to face issues of systematic racism and white supremacy. It’s hard to look at what ...